We were assisted by our able crew of Walter Friesen, Don Bernasconi, Kris Anderson and helmsman, Mike Sinclair. With three races on Saturday, the first proved to be a bit of a shakedown for us. While we placed fourth out of six boats in our fleet, our start was less than stellar and further complicated by an unforced tack at the windward mark due to excessive weather helm. Easing the main traveler took care of that problem and we sailed on.
Our starts in races two and three were spectacular. The wind gave us all of the variety we could handle from 16 to 0 knots. We finished third and fourth respectively.
With Sunday's twice around race we thought we might have a chance to move up. Well, close, but no cigar. We held onto our fourth place overall.
Our hosts at the Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club are to be commended for their hospitality for the entire weekend. To quote Arnold (Ahnold), "We'll be baack."
Whisper moves on this week, making the Friday trip to Langley on Whidbey Island for our annual SSYC Gray Whale Watching. More about that next week.
Seafaringly yours,