Tuesday, August 21, 2012

DAY TWO, Saturday, August 11th, 2012

Okay, so this is for Day two even though it is now really Day eleven since I am posting this from Reid Harbor on Stuart Island.  When you are in "the outback of beyond": internet connectivity is spotty at best.  It is reminiscent of the axiom: When you are up to your ass in alligators it is hard to remember that your job was to drain the swamp.

I motored away from the mooring at 0815 to retrieve the crab pot.  With two keepers in the bucket, I turned the bow toward Vashon Head and the trip to Tacoma.

Above is Marie Capogna's rental house on Yukon Harbor in Manchester.  It is the white on to the left of center.  What a great deck railing!  Oh, that's right, Gary & I did that.

While I do some night sailing on the lakes and waterways around Seattle, some may wonder about night sailing on the Sound?  Not me!  This is why:
No, not the Washington State Ferry at the Southworth dock, they have lights.  That tree floating can be an invisible shadow that can ruin your whole day! 

With the flooding current I made the 22 nautical mile (nm) trip in exactly four hours, pulling up to the Foss Waterway Fuel Dock right at 1215.  With a full tank of diesel I continued south to the Dock Street Marina.  Since they no longer monitor VHF 78A, I had to phone them for service.  A slip on H dock was had for $35 with shorepower.  Laundry was only $1 each to wash & dry and the showers are complimentary.
I walked a few blocks north on Dock Street to Johnny’s Seafood Company and bought five pounds of frozen salmon crab bait for only $4.25.  Now I am ready for the crab of Spencer Spit on Monday.

The LeMay American Heritage Car Museum was the site of my Wilson High School 50th reunion.  I caught the Sound Transit Link light rail and was there by 5:00 (what? No nautical time?  I am on land now.).  Renewed old friendships.  While several were easily recognized, others required a look at their photo nametag which showed their yearbook photo.  I am sorry that some chose not to attend. 

I walked back to the marina and called it a night.

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