Friday, December 19, 2008
Winter Reflections
Thursday, June 12, 2008
DAY 1: Kremik to Piskera ACI

Mango Tango underway.

Tomorrow we will walk the island in the morning & then sail the 8 nm to Telascica...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Croatia 2008--Two weeks from Kremik to Dubrovnik

Tomorrow, May 25th, our first day on the Adriatic...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gone With the Wind, Larry's Tashiba 37, was to be our club Bridge Boat for the Saturday Parade. Whisper would compete in Dressed Sail against 7 other boats; Lucky Dog, Gary Bradley's 48' Chris Craft, in Sponsored Decorated; and Surt, Mike Sinclair's C&C 41, in Decorated Sail.
The weather on Thursday & Friday was glorious! We had a club dock party on both Friday and Saturday evenings.

Gary, Joe & Mike, three proud skippers show off their trophy plaques. To quote Steve Franklin, Past Commodore of Tacoma Yacht Club concerning SSYC, "You guys are FABULOUS!"
Seattle Singles Yacht Club may not be a member of the Grand Fourteen of Puget Sound Yacht Clubs but no one can deny that we bring spice to the table.
Until my next post, which will be from Croatia,
Be Safe.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A Minor Irritation--A Simple Solution!

1. Cut the bungee cord in half for both starboard & port applications; burn/fuse ends.
2. Stitch the one end together after passing through the ring.
3. Whip the end to cover stitching & to secure the bond.
4. Using a clove hitch, secure second ring in the appropriate position.
5. Clove hitch assembled unit to the midship stanchion.

This is all a multi-staged process for getting Whisper ready for Seattle's Opening Day of Yachting Season sponsored by Seattle Yacht Club which is scheduled for the week preceding Saturday, May 3rd.
We will be defending our 1st Place in Best Dressed Sail.
My next project is to work on gelcoat blemishes (can you say holes?) that many feet have found that were missed by the surveyor four years ago.
More about both of those topics in future posts...
At home doing my kind of yardwork, I remain...
just Joe, the skipper
Monday, March 31, 2008
Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club Spring Sail Regatta

Whisper moves on this week, making the Friday trip to Langley on Whidbey Island for our annual SSYC Gray Whale Watching. More about that next week.
Seafaringly yours,
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Chasing the Schooner Zodiac
With her keel layed in 1924, the 126' schooner is the largest sailing vessel in the Pacific Northwest.
This historic photo from her forward companionway shows her full suit of sails.
Zodiac's topmast just clears the center arch of the I-5 freeway bridge on her way toward the University Bridge and finally Lake Washington.
Zodiac's crew hauls the yard to hoist her mainsail.
Underway in light air.

The view from Whisper's cockpit.
Everyone had a good day...