Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Minor Irritation--A Simple Solution!

This may not even pass the sniff test for most skippers, but as a liveaboard I find it irritating the way my lifeline gate, when open, would slip along the lifelines until they were sitting on the weatherdeck getting dirty. This is/was especially true of the fabric coated cushion on the top one. If I were to pull forward to keep them off the deck, then I was marring the surface of the lifelines. A visit to Fisheries Supply for 3' of bungee cord and 4 - 1" rings and I am off to a solution.


1. Cut the bungee cord in half for both starboard & port applications; burn/fuse ends.

2. Stitch the one end together after passing through the ring.

3. Whip the end to cover stitching & to secure the bond.

4. Using a clove hitch, secure second ring in the appropriate position.

5. Clove hitch assembled unit to the midship stanchion.

While it may not be your problem, this is my solution.

This is all a multi-staged process for getting Whisper ready for Seattle's Opening Day of Yachting Season sponsored by Seattle Yacht Club which is scheduled for the week preceding Saturday, May 3rd.

We will be defending our 1st Place in Best Dressed Sail.

My next project is to work on gelcoat blemishes (can you say holes?) that many feet have found that were missed by the surveyor four years ago.

More about both of those topics in future posts...

At home doing my kind of yardwork, I remain...

just Joe, the skipper

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