THE GALLEY--Provisions in cannisters & boxes on counter tops that go in the sink while sailing so they don't fall to the floor.

THE CABIN--Above the settee there is overhead space that is never used. While this could be used for paper chart tubes, I chose another solution...
This five jar rack now holds spare batteries, sewing items, light bulbs w electrical connectors & fuses and pens & Sharpies.
THE HEAD--I hadn't even planned on this one, but after my accident prone 2007 (do I hear laughter?), I decided to store bandages, gauze, tape & even sutures where they are air tight and readily available.
The empty area on the forward bulkhead was free space.
With the use of the heavy duty 3M tape there are no screw holes to contend with when either my mind or needs change.
THE MAIN CABIN--where it all began. I had underestimated the space that I had on the port side overhead under the weatherdeck.

I do have a plan for CD jewell cases & DVD boxes. I will use CD paper envelopes for protection & stack them in one of the labelled rack containers. I still have under the nav & salon tables to consider. Last night while turning in I noticed all of the free space in the bedroom overhead...
Enough for now. Now it's your turn to Get Storganized!
Fair winds,