This is too funny! All of the detective murder mysteries I read say that Spenser, Harry Bosch and Lou Boldt don’t believe in coincidences. Try this one on…
This morning I turned out at 0600 for my antibiotic, made coffee, put on my rain gear and got ready for Blue Fin’s departure for parts south. We split up at 0645 and I reversed my course for Friday Harbor. After fueling up by 0900 I made for the outside of breakwater A. I went below to test the internet connection; it sucks. A knock on the hull with a dock attendant asking if I spent the night; when we finish, I look aft to see the stern of Njord’s Favour. Dave and Kerry are seeing friends off and are heading to the Gulf Islands. There you go…
As it closes in on 1000, I have too many choices. While I will see Dr. De Kock in Ganges sometime this week, my only commitment is my reservation here in FH for Friday when Jane and Anita arrive on the 9:30 ferry. Do I go blackberry picking in the rain in Deer Harbor? Where do I overnight: Jones, Stuart or head to Bedwell? Dave & Kerry will have an influence on that decision.
Yesterday Natalie confessed that when I announced at the club about “going north”, she didn’t have a clue what that was about. Ask her now what she thinks.
Time to walk the dock to town to get connected to the internet and get this off.
So as I am walking by G dock, my son-in-law sees me from his boat Kae-lin. I talk with Alison & Jim. They are leaving for Rosario about noon. I had seen them yesterday when in Friday Harbor.
Yesterday about 4:00 when we were on our way to Machaye Harbor for the night, Lynn Noble had left me a voicemail. I only had one Verizon bar so the responding phone call broke off. This morning when I was within range of FH, I phoned Lynn and left her a voicemail. Now as I walked past the Marina office, there was Lynn. As it turns out she had phoned me from Friday Harbor yesterday. Coincidence? You already know what I think about that…
Seafaringly your skipper,
Joe Grande
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